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“Tell The World”

Advent Day #8 – “Wild”

We worship a god who took human form more than two thousand years ago in a desert. The world was populated with 200 million people, but travel was difficult and communications were hyperlocal. Yet the story of Jesus and those who followed his lessons swept through much of the world faster than we could imagine.

First the people living in port cities knew about Christianity. Then word spread to the wild interior of countries on three continents. An unfortunate mingling of colonization and religious conquest spread the word even further. Two billion people identify as Christian today. Was a simpler, wilder life more conducive to the spread of the story of a Messiah born elsewhere, practicing another religion?

We know what then-Palestine looked like 100 years ago. How wild must it have been 2,000 years ago? And how special must the message of Jesus have been to reach beyond local communities and be spread through the world?

O give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon his name; the the people what things he hath done.

#AdventWord2018 #AdventWord #stannesreston #wild

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